Next August 2024, Dublin City University will host the 35th International Geographical Congress (IGC). This will be the occasion to share the best of global geographic research, share common challenges and opportunities, and connect with experts from across the world.
The congress revolves around the theme of ‘Celebrating a World of Difference.’ The academic and fieldwork program is dedicated to promoting intercultural awareness and understanding, recognizing intellectual diversity as a strength, extending geographic research beyond the confines of the congress, and delving into the intricate interplay between people, place, and the natural world. In a world marked by contestation, fragmentation, and challenges, the celebration of diversity as a strength and the acknowledgment of our shared humanity stand as essential pillars.
Two members of the CULTIVATE consortium, Dr. Dean Phelan & Prof. Anna Davies from Trinity College Dublin, are the organisers of a specific session titled “Cultivating a just transition of urban and peri-urban food systems”. This session aims to share the importance of urban and peri-urban (UPU) food system in feeding the world’s ever-growing urban population, while focusing on their challenges that often cause economic, environmental and social injustices. The session will therefore generate discussions on innovative business strategies, public policy interventions, and community driven initiatives as answers for the pressing need for the just transition of UPU food systems onto more sustainable pathways.
The closing date for abstract submissions is Friday 12th January 2024 via this link.
More information about the event here.
Photo Credit: Jane Last